So in December Patrick and I decided we were fat, well maybe we knew before then that we weren't happy with our sizes, but I was attempting to ignore it. Well, I will tell you getting up to my full term pregnancy weight, while not pregnant, was kind of my realization point. I've never had to worry about my weight I've been lucky but I guess I am at the age where I have to change how I do things, because my body sure has. So in December with some encouraging from my husband we bought a Fitbit for me as an early Christmas present. I wasn't so sure about it didn't really know if I wanted one or if I would use it. Not to mention I'm a tight wad so convincing me that I needed to spend $120 on my self was quite the feat all on it's own.

I will also tell you I've never worn a watch, bracelets irritate me and the only thing I ever have on my wrist is a hair tie, so I was really concerned that this was going to be a really hard adjustment for me, but they had teal so it's worth a try right? It took a little getting used to at first but all is well now.
Patrick had asked for a Fitbit for Christmas and we were pretty sure he was getting it so that gave me a couple of weeks to get used to it, before I got my first Fitbit friend and the challenges started, and we were battling to get the most steps.
I am a little slow when it comes to new things so I let it keep track of my heart rate, steps, stairs etc since it was doing that all on its own, but it took me a while to embrace the other trackers such as the Water, food and weight. You know anything that involves me putting in extra effort or decisions.
I guess first things first I decided to keep track of my weight we go to Patrick's moms almost every week and I can use her scale so I only have to worry about doing something once a week.

Next thing to tackle water intake, not going to lie I like Tea and I like it sweet. Bring on the sugar! Patrick had a yeti and an Ozark Trails tumbler and so do all of our friends so in November I decided to follow the trend (after stealing one of Patrick's to try out for a week) but I'm difficult so I shopped around found my favorite color in an RTIC and had it shipped to me at work, and until oh maybe February it carried mostly Sweet Tea. I am proud to say the only thing that is ever in it now is water! Now I have not cut out tea totally, I still go for tea while we are at restaurants etc. but I always have my water with me. I make my water goal most days and I'm pretty sure the office Culligan bill has gone up due to my new habit. Now if I could just remember to keep track on weekends.
Now for the hardest part for me keeping track of my calorie intake with everything I eat. I have all the stuff that I eat on a regular basis figured out the breakfast I eat and the lunches I typically bring to work as well as the little snacks, and Fitbit makes it easy but having a recent foods and most logged so the stuff you eat all the time is easy to find, but then you go out to dinner and uh hello the calorie counting goes out the window I have no idea how much I just ate, nor do I really want to know. I also have had the problem in the last week or so of eating too much and feeling bloated and then its omg i feel huge I need to go on a walk right now! So I clearly need to work on portion control, I can't eat as much as I have in the past, which I think is a good sign.

Now back to the stepping, we have been going on a ton of walks supported by Pokemon Go which keeps me busy while I walk around the Park. I actually went on 3 on Sunday pretty sure Gabe thinks I have lost it. We also have a new to us Tread Climber in the house so awesome for bad weather or when its dark. Gabe likes it cause when his legs are tired we can come home and I can continue to walk and he doesn't have to lol.
All this being said I've lost 4.7 lbs since I set my weight goal in February and I think Patrick is down like 30 since Dec. Totally jealous not going to lie but at the same time I'm pretty proud of my self I know we cant compare pounds lost but rawr.