Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Family Pictures

I just realized that I hadn't posted any of the family pics on here so here are a few of my favs.

10 helpful tips

1. Hull strawberries easily using a straw.

2. Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. I haven't tried this, It could be dangerous for Gabe, but it looks pretty awesome.

3. Overhaul your linen cupboard, store bed linen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hunting through piles for a match. My linen closet is a mess I need to do this.  
4. Bread tags make the perfect cord labels.

5. Bake cupcakes directly in ice-cream cones, so much more fun and easier for kids to eat.
6. Dresses made out of Bandana's
7. Great way to organize your Pantry.
8. Use soda can tabs to hang pictures.
9. Rain Collection. Great Idea. Save on that water bill.
10. Seal a plastic bag with the top of a water bottle or any plastic bottle and the lid. Awesome!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Camping Trip.

We went on our first Family Camping trip this weekend. We had a good time. It was Gabe's very first one!  

First we set up the tent

Gabe Thought it was pretty cool

We got the Fire started.

Went on a walk in the creek.

Then we went Fishing. We didn't catch anything but we still had a good time. This was a Gabe first too.

In the morning we went to the playground.

Well that's about all we did this go around it was a good time. We will def do it again :) 

Monday, March 19, 2012

This weekend

This weekend was pretty busy. On Saturday we had the NRA Banquet. Wayne LaPierre was there and he shook Patrick's Hand I think he was super excited. For those of you who don't know he is the President of the NRA.

On Sunday the 5 of us went to a bday party and after we dropped of the boys Patrick and I went for a walk on the trail which was really nice. I like that we have sunday evenings to spend some time just the two of us. It's kinda like a mini date night for us every week. I think that all couples need that it's good for your relationship.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


: Last night was the last night of my Business Law class. I am glad to have a break, but I only get one week before the next class starts. I am taking some Finance thing hopefully all will go well. I think I only have 3 years left lol. Oh and I just did my FAFSA and since I filled single this year I think that I will be getting a Pell Grant again and all should be well. :) From the looks of it all of my classes will be covered.

: Yesterday on my way to work I had to get gas, no big deal, I do it all the time, but I guess I pulled the hose thing out of the car to fast and got gas on my pants and it is one of those smells that gives me a headache. Kinda like flowers idk why it just goes strait between my eyes. ugg. anyway I tried to work for the morning then I had to go all the way home for lunch just to change pants so I could live with my self. I even left early.

: Gabe is sick. He has had a fever since about Monday but with Tylenol I have been able to keep it down for the most part. He has also had this little cough which isn't any fun. He also hasn't been eating much but I have been able to convince him to drink quite a bit hopefully all of this ickyness will be done soon.

: On Saturday we went and got family pictures taken. :) I personally think they look great. I will get my CD on Tuesday so I will upload some of them then, and I will put all of them on Facebook.

: I recently decided that I need to get tires. they are all in pretty bad shape and one of them is completely bald and doesn't hold much air. I will be happy when I don't have to worry about them anymore. I didn't have much of a choice.

Well I think that is about all for now.

Gabe's bday part 2

So I thought that I would post a few pictures of the Bias & Kite party
My little puzzle maker :)

Gabe rolled this thing to my mom and she squealed when it jumped it was hilarious

Blowing out the candles

Both of my Grannys :)


The boys playing pool

Thomas table
I think this might be his favorite toy.
We all had a good time :)