Thursday, August 26, 2010


I noticed about the 10th of this month that the Axiom's license was expired, at the end of July *Crap* Anyway I have since had it inspected and of course it didn't pass. The turn signal handle is broken and doesn't turn on the "brights" even though it does do everything else. We have been trying to aquire a part since then. We have officially ordered it today, however it is going to take 5 days to come in which of course means it wont be until Sept until I can get it put in and get my license renewed.

2 months of late fees $10
Renewal for 2 years $50
Inspection $12
Part $250
Instilation $80

Being done with this process = Priceless

Monday, August 23, 2010

Vampires and Thunderstorms

Well Gabe had his 18 month check up on Tuesday. He is 30in tall and 24lbs. Everything went well at the appointment. He is teething still, he never got his molars in so we are still working on those and he has some more that are trying to come in as well. He had a fever on Monday night but luckily we got rid of it before the doctors appointment.

So on Wednesday Sean decided that I had to go see Vampires Suck. He decided that because I have made him go see all of the Twilight movies that he got to put me through that. Oh and by the way it lives up to all other spoof movies and sucked. It did have a few funny moments but oh my god seriously.

On Friday we were going to have a girls night and I went out with Kirstin for her b-day :). I only got to stay out till about 8:30 when all of the storming got really bad and my power went out. Our A/C went out in the BIG storm and I guess it fried the circut board. We had to live in the heat all weekend and the A/C guy came and fixed it this morning :)

So here is to a good week of nice cool air :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Week and a Growing Boy

Well it's going to be another busy weekend at the apartments, we are having turnovers again but luckily we only have around 10 this weekend instead of 30 like last time. The last week has been pretty quiet at home and the office, so I guess that it was only time for it to be busy again.

Yesterday was my baby boys 18 month birthday. He is getting so big. It seems like he learns how to say something new everyday. The first thing he does when I get home is walk over to the couch and pat on the seat as he says "right here". He's not happy until everyone is in their assigned seats. :) He also LOVES tea and he is not afraid to tell you when that is what he wants. "Tea, tea, tea". He is also drinking through a straw now, but he wants nothing to do with a sippy cup. I think its funny how he decided to skip that

Sean's not up to much just working, working and more working. He sleeps as much as he can and whenever he can.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sean's B-day, Turnovers & 2nd Anniversary

Well the 23rd was Seans 21st birthday. We didn’t have a big party because he wants to save money to go to a UFC fight in September, but he did go out with his mom the night of.

This week has been beyond hectic. Our new manager Diane started at Ashland on the 28th. We threw her right in to our biggest turnover of the year. The 30th consisted of checking everybody out of their apartments and the 31st was organizing all of the cleaners and painters. Then Sunday was move in day. Anyway it was crazy I had to work all weekend and I had to skip lunch a couple of times great fun. It was busy and stressful but I keep telling myself I get a big paycheck this time. :)

Yesterday was my and Sean’s 2nd Anniversary. I took off, I thought after the big weekend I deserved one day off. We spent the day at home and then we went to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner, while my parents watched Gabe.

Gabe is doing good. He is getting so big. He is wanting less to do with mommy :( but he is so cute when he walks all over the house. His new thing is throwing away his diapers, after you change him. We have also been working on the parts of the face he knows where his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are. He also knows where his belly is and sometimes his toes (when he feels like it). :)