Monday, December 27, 2010


It's almost hard to believe that 2010 is almost over and that Christmas has already come and gone. In less than two months my little boy will be Two years old. Time is just flying by so quickly.

Well I guess I should give you the overview of the last few days. which I thought was crazy for me, but my little boy has been busier than me and has been worn out (but at least it's because of all the fun he's been having).

On Christmas Eve he was with his daddy for a party over at his Nana's house. then he came home and we went to the Kite family Christmas party. When he woke up on Christmas morning we opened presents at home. Then we went to Mam-ma and Paw-pa's house. From there we went strait over to Granny and Papa's for the Bias Family Christmas. Gabe got about an hour and a half to relax and then his Daddy came over to take him to his house for one last party. Needless to say when he got home he was ready for bed.

It was all a great time, Gabe and I both had a wonderful Christmas. We got to spend time some much needed time with family, and of course got lots of presents.

My house is a disaster. I have slowly been working on putting away the new stuff and just cleaning the house in general, but it still looks like a tornado hit it. I guess that is to be expected after Christmas.

This weekend Patrick and I are going to a New Years Eve Party at Lauren & Greg's house in Salisbury. It should be a great time. I haven't seen them since Halloween and we are way overdue for a visit.

Here are some photo's from the Holiday :D

Opening Presents

Gabe sitting at his new table with his puppy dogs :)

Patrick and I, Christmas Eve. :D

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas is Nearing

Well this week has been full of Christmas Parties.

On the 17th we had the Lunch bunch Christmas Party. It was at Connie's house. She went all out in the decorations! (Phyllis counted around 60 Santas). Jill made Lasagna which was yummy!! We did our little present exchange and had a great time.

On the 18th I went with Patrick to his work party for CCC. I met tons of new people and had a great time! I wasn't sure what to expect, there were tons of different personalities. The evenings started off with a strange discussion about the matrix and what happens if they have kids and how they have kids (I stayed out of that, it was all quite strange to me, lol) then we had "The best Tamales in town" for dinner! After which we went downstairs for a "Pool tournament" which just ended up being random people playing pool whenever they wanted, lol.

On the 21st I dragged Patrick to the Ashland party. My mom and Diane were sick and Abbi couldn't make it :( but over all it was fun. We still had 10 people there which is pretty good for Ashland. It's not like there are very many of us. Dinner was wonderful.

All three were lots of fun. I love the Christmas season!! :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Moving On With Life

OK I wanted to update everyone on what is going on with Sean and I. So on Monday we went to a lawyer. It was a consultation so that we knew what we were getting into, with the divorce. They kinda just let us know how to go about it, whether we wanted to use a lawyer or not. so pretty much there is about 80 pages of  forms that we have to fill out, and agree upon completely. We also have to pay $192 for court costs. Wait a month go to trial and be done. So anyway we are just trying to get the paperwork done so we can both fully move on.

Sean and I are both trying to move on with our lives. He has obviously done so easier and quicker than I have. He and Cristy seem to be happy, which is good. I don't have to like his relationship but I am happy that he is happy none the less.

I have recently after about 4 months started to move on myself. I am done with the marriage. That has been pretty clear in my head for a month or two. I'm not gonna try anymore. All that ever did was make it worse. My plan in my head was quite simply to be single and enjoy the time with my son and just not worry about men, or any of their drama. This was my plan at least until the divorce was final, and possibly after that.

Obviously non of this was a final decision. I'm just trying to live life and see what it has for me. I had recently reconnected with a friend from high school, Patrick, who is oddly enough going thru the same thing I am. His wife had left him and they also have munchkins involved however they have two little boys. I am lucky enough to say that Sean and I are civil and are working things out as smooth as I think any divorce with kids involved can go. Patrick is not so lucky. Anyway he like I was planning on staying single and just getting everything going his way.

Like I said we have recently reconnected, over our mutual ickyness in life. He came over and fixed my computer :) YAY. So we then started to hang out some and he brought his boys over for a play date. Anyway, I totally see him differently then I ever did in high school. After hanging out for a while we just kind of decided that we are dating. I don't really know how to explain it, it was very unexpected, we were just friends that were there to comfort each other. Just someone to talk to. I don't really know what else to say about it, other than I'm happy. And I gotta tell you, I didn't know if that was gonna happen.

I was in a pretty bad place there for a while and just put on a happy face but now I can honestly say that my happy face is totally genuine. :) Sean and I are both happily moving on and I am amazed by how strangely easy it has been for me.

The only thing I worry about is Gabe and if the decisions we are making in the divorce are right for him and if we are both doing everything for him that we are supposed to. I do get frustrated with Sean over certain things that have to do with Gabe, but that is to be expected so hopefully we can handle this in the best way possible and have a happy baby boy.

I don't know if all of you will be OK with me moving on at this time, or think that I am going about things in the right way, but I do hope that you all can support me. Having your love and support means a lot to me. If you don't agree I guess you can just send me a message or something, but you have to understand that while I will listen to what you have to say this is my life and I am just trying to move on in the best way that I know how.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas & Potatoes

OK, well we have made a full transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas :) I have put up my tree, Granny Bias' tree, the office tree, and my parents. Gabe is such a big boy and is already helpful handing the ornaments to you.

I have a few presents for Gabe. My favorite of which is his table and chairs. My little boy is getting big and I think he will love a table. He likes to color, just like his Mommy, so I bought him a coloring book and some crayons. We will of course use them at his table. I'm anxious to give him his table, I'm all excited. I haven't gotten it put together yet. I figure that's probably good cause if I did I probably wouldn't be able to wait.

We went to Aden's Birthday party on Saturday. It was at Bonkers, so we had a great time, but it wore me out. I'm glad we got to go :) I'm also glad I'm not in that maze anymore, sometimes I feel so old.

We had a scare last night, Gabe got a hold of a raw potato and put it in his mouth. His lips got all puffy but luckily Granny caught it before he could do anything other than just put it in his mouth. She gave him benadryl and he is all better now but his lips didn't go down back to normal until sometime early this morning. I'm glad that is over.