Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sugarland & Allergies

There have really only been two big things that have happened this week, everything else has been pretty ordinary. Thursday's surgery was canceled again. Which I guess is one of the ordinary things going on now.

On Friday We went to KC to the Sugarland concert. Luke Bryan and Danny Gokey were also there. It was an awsome concert and afterward I got to meet Danny Gokey. He signed Autographs and took pictures, I of course got both. :) We stayed in a hotel close by so we could walk there and back. The hotel was very nice we got a King bed which not only was huge but really comphy and had 6 pillows :) I didn't want to get out of it.

Yesterday we braved the wheat. The allergist told us to try giving it to him to make sure that the test was right and that he really was allergic to it. Well he was allergic, just like I expected. He ended up puking for quite some time. My poor little boy was not happy at all. Anyway I'm not to happy with the doctor right now, and she wants us to try Oat now. I am not giving him anything else for atleast a couple weeks. My baby doesn't disurve this punishment.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My little mover

Ok just wanted to give everyone a little update about whats going on. Gabe's surgery has been pushed back again. The Ins comp isn't sure if they are going to approve the surgery or not something about being a preexisting condition which is such crap. Any way I have no idea when the surgery is going to happen and if I am going to have to pay for it or not. Ahh stress how I hate you so.

On a happier note my baby boy walked yesterday and this morning :) I am so proud of my little mover. He still prefers to crawl at this point but he is so proud of himself when he makes it across the floor. I figure by the end of the week I wont be able to keep an eye on him with out running down the hall. lol So mark it in your calenders 6/15/10 Gabriel Alexander can walk :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

My 21st Birthday :)

This has been one crazy week. On Saturday we went to see Quinton's Football game (they kicked butt), and I took lots of pictures.

Abbi and I went to dinner with Daniel on Monday, I hadn't seen him in like 3 years so it was really nice to get to see him (I think he was hiding from me, lol).

June 8th was a big day in baby world. Avery was born and Abbi found out she was having a girl.

My birthday was on Friday. I am finally 21. I cleaned all day and went to go see Claire and Avery after lunch. Then we had the BBQ that evening It was really nice to have all of our friends over. On Sunday I had a family birthday party at my parents.

We were definitely busy busy busy. This next week is going to be that way too. It's time for Gabe's surgery AGAIN on Thursday. Sean and I are going to KC for a concert on Friday night and will be back on Saturday. Oh and Fathers Day is Sunday and Sean is very excited :)

Friday, June 4, 2010


Ok so last night I sat down and really worked on the "office" I don't know if I will ever really have a better name for it. I got a lot done and took a lot of stuff out and put it in the shed and I also threw a lot of stuff away. The most exciting part of it was that I found some jewelery that I have been looking for since I moved in which was like 3 years ago!!! I was so happy. :) Just last week I put on a shirt and went I really wish I knew where that necklace was it would be perfect. And so I wore it today :) I also found of course lots of child hood memories which was great and kinda emotional. Anyway it is shaping up and almost looks like a normal room :) There is now a bed in there, as well as a TV so we are getting close.

I was very excited about some of my finds and just had to share.

:) :) :) :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The begining of a new month

Ok I am at Ashland and if you don't know already that is the apartment complex that I work at and not the town. It is turnover time and everyone has worked all weekend. It has been very busy with people moving out and others rushing to get in. I have been taking on more of the load this time around because our current Apartment manager is retiring on June 30th and I have to take over until we get someone new in here. I have been constantly running and this morning has been my first calm time in what seems like a week. I am off tomorrow because in Apartment world Memorial day is not a day off being the last day of the month and all so my boss has made it a floating holiday for us to take when we wish.

I am getting a little farther with the "office". I have cleaned up some of the stuff, so the middle of the floor is clean(which I feel is a big accomplishment). I have laid a rug in there so it looks like a room now and I also have a mattress for in there it just hasn't quite made it that far yet. Things are starting to shape up :)

My 21st b-day is on June 11th and now that it is less than 2 weeks away it almost feels close. We are having a BBQ at my house for some friends on my birthday which I'm excited about.

That's about it for now but it sure seems like a lot.