Well lately I just feel like our family is to big for the little space that we have. I love my house but we just have to much stuff. My office if you can even call it that anymore has become more of a storage unit. we are just so crowded. Toys constantly take over the space that we do have in the living room and there is tripping and stepping on things constantly. I feel like I need one living area to have toys and another for relaxing because with the mess that my sweet little boy creates you can not relax. In addition to that Sean kicked me out of the shower yesterday morning so that Gabe could take a bath, I was most definitely not finished and kind of aggravated. We do so badly need another bathroom.
I love the idea of buying a home for us but I also fully realize that we do not have the extra money laying around for a house payment every month. So at the moment we are still cramped, but I love my boys and we will be just fine.
On a separate note I went back to school this week and I really am not to thrilled about any of it. Spring break is just a teaser for summer. The school tries to make us think that it's for us but really its just a trick that they are playing on us. I want it to be may so badly I can graduate and enjoy the summer. Homework sucks! Its only 2 months I can so do this! Right?
Work is going as usual there is always something to do, and with it being tax season there is always some extra. I just cant catch up with the pile on my desk no matter how hard I try.
Sean has a weekend on Friday and Saturday and wants to go to the Zoo. I don't know if we will but it sounds really nice we need to have that opportunity to spend time together. With him working nights we don't get to see each other enough.
I hope we do get the chance to go to the zoo. I'll have to let you know next week. :)