Well Sean went to the dentist yesterday and they said that he is going to need 8 teeth pulled his 4 wisdom teeth and the four molars right next to them. He is also going to need to go back for a cleaning and a root canal. The want to to some other things as well. After he got done at the dentist he went to the oral surgeon and they said that they can take the 8 out on wed May 19. after in insurance we are still going to owe them $1025. Gabe is supposed to have his circumcision redone on May 21st and its supposed to be $6000-7000 before insurance takes care of part of it but either way it is going to be a large chunk of change. Oh and don't forget about the shed we are getting. which is about $1000 itself.
It all needs to be done and its all gonna cost, so I'm a little stressed at the moment. I think I have a plan but I'm going to be in debt no matter which way you look at it. It's just kinda sad because we just got the car paid off and we weren't in debt for a whole 2 months. Oh well I know it will be fine I was just enjoying being debt free.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
My toddler
Well this week baby center says that the push and pull of independence will have Gabe and I confused. It's kind of funny because just over the last couple of days Gabe has been very clingy but then of course has his moments that he wants to play by himself and just have mommy leave him alone. I feel like he is right on track and some how reads my update for the week before I get to.
He is getting so big its just crazy to me when he stands up. I know he will be walking soon and I will be so proud but I'm just not sure if mommy is ready yet even if Gabe is. I guess that this is something that I am just going to have to get used to.
He is getting so big its just crazy to me when he stands up. I know he will be walking soon and I will be so proud but I'm just not sure if mommy is ready yet even if Gabe is. I guess that this is something that I am just going to have to get used to.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The 15th
Well the 15th was crazy busy. First thing at 9am Sean took Gabe to the doctor and we got a whole new list of things to give him and put on him in hopes to make his rash better and keep them that way. In addition to that I did payroll all day which is normal for Thursday but this time instead of just doing store 3 and 4 I did all 4 of them, while my mom and everyone else was in Tax mode. I was really proud of myself because I got all of the payrolls done with time to spare and even made it to class on time.
I don't think that anybody worked on Friday I think we all deserved a break and a mini celebration for the end of tax season. I did have class for a couple of hours but otherwise it was a pretty relaxing day. I got my hair cut which is going to make taking care of it a lot easier, but I always have a little bit of a hard time adjusting to my new look when I switch it up.
I spent today with my boys which was really nice and I have been totally amazed all day that I still have another day of weekend left. I don't have much planned for tomorrow other than watching "2012". I don't really want to watch it and never had plans to but it's homework for a class so woo-hoo.
Oh and I almost forgot Pollen UGH I have been taking allergy pills and putting allergy eye drops in my eyes and I am still not doing so well. I cant wait for it to rain and hopefully wash away the pollen in the air. I need to feel better and soon please.
I don't think that anybody worked on Friday I think we all deserved a break and a mini celebration for the end of tax season. I did have class for a couple of hours but otherwise it was a pretty relaxing day. I got my hair cut which is going to make taking care of it a lot easier, but I always have a little bit of a hard time adjusting to my new look when I switch it up.
I spent today with my boys which was really nice and I have been totally amazed all day that I still have another day of weekend left. I don't have much planned for tomorrow other than watching "2012". I don't really want to watch it and never had plans to but it's homework for a class so woo-hoo.
Oh and I almost forgot Pollen UGH I have been taking allergy pills and putting allergy eye drops in my eyes and I am still not doing so well. I cant wait for it to rain and hopefully wash away the pollen in the air. I need to feel better and soon please.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hello all, this has pretty much been just another week. School is going as usual, but I did get my graduation packet turned in yesterday so thats a step in the right direction. I can't wait for this symester to be over. If you don't already know I work for an accountant and the 15th is in two days so we are busy busy busy. On top of that Gabe, Sean, Mom and I all have a cold and are very tired of it. UGH.
If you remember my little rant about not having enough space at my house then this will make since. Sean and I are thinking about getting a shed we started looking yesterday and are trying to get prepared for the expense of it all. Neither of us can handle the "office" being like it is now. We need a cute little shed to put all of our seasonal stuff in. You know so we can actually have a room that is USABLE! It's driving both of us nuts, but buying a shed isn't something you just decide in an hour we actually have to think about it. It is a good chunk of change.
Well that is our main issue at the moment, that and that we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Every day this week I have woken up thinking that it is Saturday (just dreaming I guess).
Oh and we went to a pancake breakfast on Saturday for the Columbia Falcons (Semi Pro football team) Sean's dad is on the team. Go Falcons :) http://columbiafalconsfootball.com/
If you remember my little rant about not having enough space at my house then this will make since. Sean and I are thinking about getting a shed we started looking yesterday and are trying to get prepared for the expense of it all. Neither of us can handle the "office" being like it is now. We need a cute little shed to put all of our seasonal stuff in. You know so we can actually have a room that is USABLE! It's driving both of us nuts, but buying a shed isn't something you just decide in an hour we actually have to think about it. It is a good chunk of change.
Well that is our main issue at the moment, that and that we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Every day this week I have woken up thinking that it is Saturday (just dreaming I guess).
Oh and we went to a pancake breakfast on Saturday for the Columbia Falcons (Semi Pro football team) Sean's dad is on the team. Go Falcons :) http://columbiafalconsfootball.com/
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Well Easter was great. We started some new traditions this year. :) Gabe doesn't understand it yet but I think he had a good time. We took Gabe to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday at the Links. We were a little late but he did get some eggs. On Sunday we dyed eggs. which was fun for the big people, It was like going back in time to when I was little.
Sunday was my mommy's birthday too, so of course we had to go visit and we got to go out to dinner. :) There was also a party for her on Saturday so it was a very fun filled and busy weekend.
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