I am really happy that Dave Ramsey posts his daily tips on Facebook. Lately I feel like he has been talking right to me.
Before we got married Patrick and I took Dave Ramsey's class "Financial Peace University" (FPU)
It was great we did it together and found out a lot about each other's finances and how we handle money. We had budgets figured out and other than his student loans we were debt free. It was awesome and I really felt like we were on the right track. I was I control and really happy.
When we got engaged and everything changed.
This is the problem, we stopped doing this. This was both of our second marriages and quite frankly we had to pay for our wedding our selves. When money started flowing from our savings into our checking to cover the thing purchased with the debit card it all went up in smoke. There was money that wasn't typically in the account being added and it wasn't going through the budget and I didn't have a wedding budget we just paid for things as they came up. Poof there went the plan.
We didn't realize this soon enough. Not to mention it got worse. When we moved into our house we took on more problems because we needed to do some updates. There were parts that we just couldn't live with. We'll bring on the credit cards. We made quite the mess.
Then the unthinkable happened Patrick was laid off and was out of a job for a month and the emergency fund was gone! Even after getting a job he was still only working part time and he wasn't making much.
We have more payments than I know what to do with, and a household income that is not enough for the 5 of us. Ok I am to this point. I DO NOT LIKE WHERE WE ARE NOW!
Differnt choices are happening! Starting with this one!
And it reduces the amount of payments that we have juggle every month.
I won't lie I didn't pay much attention in FPU to this section because I didn't have any debt to pay off at the time. We'll I guess that's what I get, so now is the time to put the teachings into place.
I wish I could say we did this but that money went out the window with the rest of it. Patrick has a new job now and will be making more money. I really hope to get stuff paid off and have the savings resume. But I am going to listen to Dave and take it one baby step at a time.
God this is so true! I am definitely not a risk taker I want all my savings back.
This is so important not only for your money but for your marriage. This is another reason that I am so happy about Patricks new job not because of the money but because of his hours we will both be home in the evenings and on weekends so we can have more conversations about how we are doing and what we need to change and what needs to be budgeted for.
The two of us being a united font is going to change our lives!
I am really hoping that the boys will see that we are getting out of debt and realize how important that is. I also hope that they will see us when they are older, when we are not using credit cards and that they will choose to live by our example.
I really needed to write this post so that I can use it to hold myself accountable for all of my decisions and get myself out of this mess.
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