Monday, January 13, 2014

New Car

This was a really big step for Patrick and I it was the first actually NEW car for both of us!

Volkswagen Passat TDI SE

It's wonderful I love it! It's pretty and it has tons of room in the backseat for our kids.

I got a manual ahh. It's my first so I have to do the whole learning to drive thing again. It's not so bad I am getting there. Once you get going it's easy, I just have to get really good at the starting thing. I do pretty well on flat ground, but man hills suck. Patrick says it has hill assist but if that is the case why do I roll down the hill backwards?

It's hard learning something new. Once you're a mom aren't you supposed to know how to do everything? Or are grown-ups just supposed to be really good at deceiving children? hmmm

Christmas Clothes

So I am a girly girl I love my clothes and I love getting clothes as presents :)
I don't feel the need to dress like anyone else I just wear what I like. I wear minimal make up you will never see it caked on to my face. I am all about natural beauty. Anyway back to the clothes. I just couldn't resist showing off the new additions to my wardrobe. I got kinda excited.
I got these two shirts for Christmas they are wonderful I love them. My mother in Law couldn't have done a more perfect job of picking them out :)

Boots! they are so cute I needed a pair of brown boots. 

With all the snow we have had around here this was a necessary plus it matches everything  

Ok so I LOVE green. 

This pic is about the PJ pants lol not my fingernails. 

Well that's most of it :) woo hoo!

Fish tank

So we have this salt water fish tank it's only a 20 gallon. 
We have been wanting to get our 55 gallon set up for some time now and I think it is really going to happen.
We went to Home Depot and bought the lumber we were going to need and went home and got to work.
We got it all built and put the tank on top
Added rocks Patrick got his sump all hooked up and we started to fill her up.

It was a little cloudy but thats typical. we ran tests and the water was perfect we just had to let it cycle for a week or so.
look at how clear it is :) 

We drip acclimated the fish to the new tanks water and put the babies in their new home.

We got a new clown fish or Nemo has the boys call them. I think we are going to have to call one of them Marlin.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This is my Papa, he is 89. Recently he was walking with his walker and his arm popped they took him in and sure enough he broke it. After taking a closer look they said he had cancer. We'll first things first they put a rod in his arm so it would heal and did a biopsy while they were In there and found it is Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. They found it in his colon, arm, abdomen, but it is probably all over. They gave us a few treatment option but they would all be hard on him and most likely wouldn't make his life longer so we opted not to treat it. He had to be in a wheelchair for a while after surgery, but he is getting stronger and we think he will be back to using his walker soon. Which is great news! They are giving him months don't know how many. It's not good but it could always be worse.

Love you, Papa