Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Look both ways!

Well I think I've done one of these posts before. I'm sitting in the hospital room, looking at my new husband wondering how in the world this crazy lady didn't see him. Really I mean he was wearing a bright teal shirt. Seems kinda crazy. Anyway one way or another I guess she didn't, or she was just going to fast to stop. Boom! She hit him. My poor husband lay in the middle of the road. Well luckily there was this wonderful man, Edward, who was in the Navy for awhile who jumped out of his car to do everything he could. I am sooo happy he was there. 

I was off work and headed to my parents for dinner when I got a call from Dave, Patrick's boss. I didn't believe him, at all, the guys have a tendency to pick on me so while I was turning around I asked him probably 6 times if this was a joke, needless to say it wasn't. I was a nervous wreck while driving and I'm pretty sure I was speeding the whole way, it seemed like everyone was driving at turtle pace. When I got to the hospital I ran in and told them my husband was hit by a car, that's when I met Edward he was waiting for me. He got the biggest hug I was so happy to meet someone who knew what was going on. 

I finally got to go see him! It seemed like it took forever! I was so happy to see his face. He was awake and talking that was such a relief! But he had on a neck brace which was kinda scary. They told me that his skull was fractured and that the blood was coming out of his ear. They also said the neck brace was just a precaution, they were just waiting to make sure that his spine wasn't injured. That was Tuesday.

Since then they have moved him to his own room it was a bit of a waiting game. At 5:00 Wednesday morning they finally took off the neck brace that was hurting his head so bad and started him on IV pain meds that don't mess with his tummy. He also said that his thumb hurts so they took an X-ray of it to see if its broken or fractured or anything. Luckily all is well with his thumb. 

We had to stay all day and wait because they wanted to do a CT of his head and make sure the amount of blood in there didn't increase. It didn't it actually decreased, score! that was just what I wanted to hear.

Well he wasn't eating much and he was still on IV pain meds because his tummy couldn't handle the pills. Anyway we didn't get to go home that night. They want him better. Well guess what me too! 

He did eat some apple sauce after the sentanced us to another night and by Thursday morning he had kept it down :) The trauma doctor said that as long as he ate some breakfast, and held it down too, that they would let us go home. I could feel the excitement on my face finally that meant they weren't so worried anymore, we turned a corner :) well he did eat a couple bites of cinnamon roll and home we went!

He wanted his wedding ring when we got  to the room. So sweet :)

When he came in as trauma patient they gave him a fake name, so he has been Xer Liquid the whole time. Kinda funny. 

He isn't completely healed yet but we are getting better. I'm just glad we are home where we belong.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cluck Cluck Quack

As I've told you before, I see feathered friends in our future. Well it's happening we are venturing off into the world of chickens, one step at a time. I have read books and done research online. That is how everyone does things these days right? Well it is all coming together, we bought chickens, ducks and a coop! They are to small to stay in the coop all the time but they do like it when we take them out with us and they have a chance to explore!

I had no idea how fast ducks were until we put all of our little feathered friends in the coop together and they just ran circles around the chickens. Zoom Zoom.

Some of our chickens have a lot of their adult feathers already and are trying to fly around. It's fun to watch the little balls of fluff flap their wings.

Our coop! OK OK I will admit it we didn't build it ourselves we bought it in boxes and put it together, sure it cost us a little more this way, but hey it saved us a LOT of time, and it is going to work great.

They love the new digs and the boys love watching them!

I can't wait to watch our gals grow up :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Until the end of time

Christmas 2011 Patrick asked me to marry him. I was so happy and totally surprised. Of course I said yes! He's amazing why wouldn't I?

Now almost exactly a year and a half later we did it we got married! Our love has just grown stronger, and I don't think we could be any happier. I don't think I could dream up anyone more perfect for me.

There was of course a ton of planning and I think it all came together really nice. We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day.
Gabe and I

Patrick, Shawn and Wesson
Patrick's sister, Kelli, made our cake. It turned out great!
We couldn't have done it without our friends and family they helped do so much. Thanks to all of you!

Just a couple of weeks ago my aunt and uncle renewed their vows, for their 25th wedding anniversary. It was really nice. In a blog she wrote shortly after she mentioned how one thing they agreed on at the very beginning of their plans to marry was this, “No matter what would come into our lives, we would never discuss divorce”. It's kinda perfect don't you think? It is really something I think more people should promise each other, it's sad that divorce is so common. Patrick, the boys and I have all been victims of divorce and it has partially shaped who we are. Seeing this just made me realize that we can vow to do the same and not make it an option no matter what. We will forever be together, all of us.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Shawn has been in taekwondo since Santa gave him lessons for Christmas and the boy loves it. About a month ago we took him to his first tournament. He was still only a white belt and they put him in the novelty division (everyone got medals). It was a great experience for all of us. I enjoyed seeing what he has learned and what the older kids are doing.

He didn't place but they gave him two medals and he was thrilled. We went out for pizza to celebrate.

Last week he did belt testing, and he got an 8th grade orange belt! He is moving right along.

The Belt Ceremony

With his Certificate
Way to go Shawn :) We are so proud of you!