Friday, February 5, 2010


OK well we had to go to the emergency room AGAIN last night. My dad gave Gabe peanut butter and we found out Gabe is allergic to peanuts! His cute little face swelled up. I just keep thinking about all the stuff he can't have, how sad. :( You know only 20% of kids that are allergic to peanuts grow out of it, and tons of stuff is cooked with peanuts or by peanuts and we have to read all sorts of labels. I am not excited about this, and I'm worried about my little man.


  1. If Gabe likes peanut butter, you guys still have alternative foods! Ask Gabe's doc about Sunflower Seed butter.. It's not TECHNICALLY a tree-nut, but sometimes it is also an allergen. If he CAN eat it, it tastes almost exactly like peanut butter, if not better, and is much healthier for you! It's worth the ask :)

  2. Thanks. we will have to look in to that a little later. Gabe wasn't sure what he thought about it in the first place and then he puffed up.
