Saturday, February 27, 2010


Well this week has been pretty good overall but we are having some problems with my Grandpa Kite. For almost as long as I can remember my Grandpa has pretty much stayed home all the time. He doesn't go to the store or anywhere else. He is just the happiest that he could be when he is at home.

About a week and a half ago my grandpa fell down on the ice and broke his hip so he went into the hospital after my uncle convinced him that that was what he needed. They told us that his hip is OK because of the type of break that it was can heal on its own. They said that he could have left that night but he wasn't strong enough to walk on it. He and my grandma live alone and she isn't strong enough to help him. So we kept him at the hospital, he was at the University for about a week and they put him on all kinds of drugs. Anyway I guess they considered him hostile (I would be too if no one would let me walk to the bathroom by my self and kept me strapped to the chair and wouldn't let me go home).

We had to transfer him to Moberly because that was the only place that was willing to take him while he was considered hostile. He really doesn't like it there, and still talks about going home all the time. His mind has been slowly going for quite a while and he just doesn't understand what is going on.

I am really worried about him I think that the drugs are making him worse. He is much more pleasant when he is off them and when he is at home. I think that it would be best if we just took him home. He isn't eating either he says that if he goes home then he will eat. I don't know I guess somebody said that he cant leave until he starts eating but shouldn't we have control over when we take him out? I mean it was my grandmas decision to put him in temporarily and it should be hers to take him out.

Anyway I'm worried and its bothering me how he is acting its just not my grandpa. I needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. Brittney, I totally understand how you feel about things that are going on with your grandpa. We had to put my dad in the same "place" in Moberly one year ago. It was a hard few weeks. They were trying to get his medication regulated. We put him in there cause he was confused and agitated. They let him out after two weeks, but I don't think that it really helped. Yes, they have a rule that they have to eat a certain amount of their food for so many meals before they will release them and taking their medication on the first try, and several other "rules". I don't understand how and why that hospital works like this, but do know that is heartbreaking. I hate it that my dad and your grandpa is having so much trouble. It is hard to visit them and then have to leave them there. I am so sorry that you all are going through this, but I can say that I identify with your hurt. All I can do is encourage you to hang in there. Love you, Sheila
